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Netflix Movie Magic

Printing Set Pieces for White Noise

During the second half of 2021, Image Concepts had the privilege of printing numerous large format set dressing pieces for Noah Baumbach's newly released Netflix original movie, White Noise starring Adam Driver, Greta Gerwig and Don Cheadle. Filming took place in several Greater Cleveland locations as well as other NE Ohio sets, so we were able to provide the quick turnaround times their production team needed for the hectic pace of filming.

In this behind-the-scenes look at production, the White Noise team gives their unique perspective into the work it took to bring back the 80's in the most dynamic way possible. Needless to say we also enjoyed our share of 80's nostalgia while printing these pieces.

As we watched the artwork roll in and enjoyed tackling the unique challenges each new project presented, excitement and speculation as to which pieces would make the final cut spread through the whole team. When White Noise was released at the end of 2022, we spent several evenings combing through the movie with our finger on the pause button, looking for glimpses of every single print. We're proud to say that the majority of our work is given significant screen time, particularly in the supermarket, gas station and motel scenes.

The graphics we printed for White Noise run the gamut from small, custom die-cut "College on the Hill" crest decals, to the oversize vinyl lettering on the iconic "MOTEL" sign, custom pole banners seen from a bird's eye view in the opening shots of college drop-off day, to the vibrant end caps on the aisles and acrylic signage in the color-packed A&P supermarket and much more. Below is just a sampling of the pieces we produced.

We hope you enjoy White Noise as much as we enjoyed being part of the magic!

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